Early Years Community Development Centre
The field of Early Childhood Education is constantly changing. The EYCDC will help you develop and maintain a reflective ECE practice that aligns with your values, current research-based knowledge, and focus on well-being of children and families. We offer:
- self-paced online PD seminars to build a robust toolbox of strategies and approaches
- centre-based workshops to address unique PD needs for you and your centre
- various PD to maintain your professional qualification (30 PD hours every three years required by DEECD)
- opportunities for reflections, discussions, and sharing knowledge with other ECE professionals
- loose parts collections, books for children and adults, play materials and kits
- room for workshops and staff meetings; children's visits
- affordable annual fees to save time and money for busy ECEs and administrators
EYCDC Professional Development Services

Online PD Seminars
- Self-paced & on-demand
- Concise videos & helpful visuals
- Flexible membership options
- FREE 30-day trial period
- BONUS: FREE library access

Lending Library
- Children’s books ​
- Adult non-fiction books​
- Professional ECE magazines​
- Toys/games
- Loose parts (indoors & outdoors)

- Centre-based for all staff
- Blended: online PD + reflection
- Live virtual sessions
- At EYCDC in person
- NEW: Invite a presenter

Room Reservation​
- For large & small groups​
- Staff meetings, workshops
- Zoom conferences
- Technology & Internet

NS Framework (ELCF)
- Support Site for EYPDC
- Monthly online modules
- Knowledable facilitators
- Guides & supporting materials
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Get monthly updates about new seminars, workshops, and additions to our library!
EYCDC services are offered with the support of the Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.